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A solution from eviShine will be part of the construction of the first real energy neutral apartments: BOLIG+

With the construction of BOLIG+ apartments, the property company Realdania By & Byg has developed a lighthouse project within the area of energy-optimized apartments in Denmark. The buildings are being built in Søborg and will be the first real energy neutral apartments in Denmark. To be able to document the knowledge about the patterns of consumption, a constant amount of data will be collected from the property and the apartments.

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Bolig+ Tegning

BOLIG+ was initiated in connection with EnergyCamp05, where some representatives from the construction sector were given 36 hours to solve the task: ”How can we develop energy-efficient housing for the world’s growing population.” The conclusion from the group was that there were significant energy saving opportunities in the construction industry in Denmark. Denmark also has products, knowledge, competence, and opportunities to utilize and promote this potential and become an international center of knowledge. On account of discussions and visions at EnergyCamp, the desire to construct a real energy neutral building emerged. Measurements and collection of knowledge, therefore, had to be a part of the project.

eviShine makes complicated distribution account

At the construction in Søborg, which consist of 10 apartments, solar panels are installed both on the roof, on the facade, and on the gable, as part of the architecture. eviShine has installed the meters that measure the consumption of electricity and hot/cold water in each apartment. eviShine has also been advisory and prepares energy and distribution accounts.

It is a very complicated distribution account due to the danish law, which says that electricity from solar panels must be settled hour by hour. It means that the power generated must be consumed within an hour. If it does not, it has to be sold to other consumers at a price of 0.50 DKK. per Kilowatt. The power that is not generated by the solar panels is purchased at 2.50 DKK. per Kilowatt. It means that the distribution accounts must keep an eye on all these transactions to provide a precise picture.

The idea is that the eviShine system will expand so that the residents are encouraged to use solar energy and to benchmark the energy consumption and utilization of solar energy of the neighbours/other residents.

Jørgen Søndermark, architect at Realdania By & Byg, and project manager at BOLIG+ states: ”We chose eviShine at the time because it was one of two companies that where recommended by our engineer. We chose eviShine because they were able to provide us with a solution that also worked visually. With all the meters we have, it’s essential that it looks good and at the same time can compile the complicated distribution accounts.”

BOLIG+ bruger eviShine til at styre deres energiforbrug

Battery collects surplus of energy from solar panel

To be able to use more of the cheaper solar cell power, eviShine has installed a Visblue battery. The battery stores the energy that is not being used immediately and has increased the amount of power from its own solar panel from 25% to 50%. A bigger battery is required if it exceeds 50%; however, that would not be profitable compared to the price of the battery.

Heat regaining on sewage

A solution has also been established to achieve heat regaining on the consumption of hot water. eviShine has installed meters that measure the achieved heat regaining which is obtained by reusing the heat from the water that is derived from, for example, hot baths. The heat regaining is used for heating the hot water and has an unusually high effect, which means that the investment is quickly repaid.

Bolig+ detaljer fra facade

Future knowledge of energy

With the buildings in Søborg and the knowledge that is provided by the distribution accounts, it is preferred that the collected knowledge should become a part of the DGNB system. A collaboration with Green Building Council has been initiated, and when accounts of the first two years’ are available in the summer of 2018, the conclusion can be made.

Read more about the Søborg project here: http://www.boligplus.org/

Fotos: Kira Krøis Ursem / Realdania By & Byg
Illustration: Realdania By & Byg

European Film College uses gamification from eviShine

European Film College has added a new sustainable perspective to their film education. A behavior regulation of the students’ consumption of energy. Gamification is used as a tool for this, and the students are excited.

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European Film College (EFC) have been sustainable for many years. In 2013 they installed a comprehensive polar panel, which currently enables them to produce 30% of the power they are consuming. They have made a large number of sustainable initiatives, including ventilation control, LED lighting, etc. It means that they currently use 40% less energy than in 2010 whilst at the same time having increased their number of students with 20%.

The students attend the EFC for 8½ months. They live on campus during the education and are paying 50% of the stay and tuition themselves. The school has decided to install water and heat meters on the dormitory blocks to teach the students to think more sustainable. On one of the dormitory blocks, meters have been installed in each room, and on the three other dormitory blocks, common targets are installed.

”The idea is that the students should think sustainably and reduce their consumption of heat and hot water. The lower financial cost that the school will experience is given back to the students through a great evening” says Chief of finance Per Nielsen. ”They are currently not paying separately for the consumption, but in this way, we teach them to think about the environment and think sustainable, and i think that fits well with the thought of college.”

eviShine eksempel hos European Film College

eviShine visualizes the real-time savings

eviShine started the collaboration with EFC in connection with the investment in the solar panel, and they installed the meters for measuring performance on the solar panel.

eviShine has newly expanded the collaboration with the development of a unique solution that uses gamification. Students, teachers, and management can follow the consumption of heat and hot water on the dormitory blocks where the students live 24/7. If the students save energy, it is shown on a dashboard with a happy smiley, but if they have spent more power than last year, a sad smiley will appear. ”It has a behavioral effect on the students, and they think it’s fun with the smiley scheme,” says Per Nielsen.

eviShine’s vision is, in the long term, that the students will compete for the most significant saving, both dormitory block against dormitory block and room against room. A semester could have a budget, a certain amount of money available for the student for the stay, operation, electricity, water, heat and final film assignment. In this way, the incentive to save energy may be even higher.

Tracking the consumption of all dormitory blocks

”We are supposed to evaluate the sustainable initiative until May when the students have finished their course. If it turns out that the dormitory block where there are meters in each room, performs much better han the room blocks where it is measured collectively, we are going to invest in meters for all rooms” says Per Nielsen.

eviShine visualizes green energy and C02 reduction in the municipality of Assens

The municipality of Assens is far ahead when it comes to green energy. With 33 solar panels, which is equivalent to one and a half football field, the municipality itself produces 15% of the annual consumption of electricity used in their own buildings. eviShine visualizes C02 reductions, green energy and consumption of heat and water.

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eviShine system gives an overview

The municipality of Assens keeps an eye on the energy consumption through the eviShine system. With real-time data, the city can follow the electricity process by its 33 solar panels and the consumption of electricity water and heat, 24/7.

Torben With Lohmann, energy consultant at Assens municipality states: ”The eviShine system gives a good overview and is simple and easy to handle. We primarily use it to see whether the solar panels and heat pumps work and if there is overconsumption of energy on one of the buildings. In the long term, we plan to benchmark between the schools and the institutions.”

Assens Kommunes eviShine-system vist på laptop

Easy reporting to the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA)

Torben With Lohmann continues: ”With eviShine, we save a lot of time on our annual reporting to the DERA. In the past, we had to check each inverter at their physical location but now; we can collect all the data from the system. Our green accounts have also become easier to make after being able to collect the data from the system.”

Consumption is visualized for citizens, students, and employees

The fact that the municipality of Assens has gotten all the solar panels connected to the eviShine system is new; however, some of the schools within the municipality already use the system in class, where the visualization of consumption hangs on big screens on a number of the schools. The Citizens’ Services are also supposed to have the eviShine system so that people within the municipality may follow the consumption and production of green energy

eviShine Energy Management System professionally and effortlessly visualizes a comprehensive overview of energy data. The system is developed by proficient Danish software developers, who, as the only ones in Denmark, offers a single system that collects all energy data across suppliers and energy forms.

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